Peer reviewed Publications

Tosti F., Riding R. 2016. Fine-grained agglutinated elongate columnar stromatolites: Tieling Formation, ~1420 Ma, North China, Sedimentology (submitted).

Tosti F., Riding R. 2016. Current molded, storm damaged, sinuous columnar stromatolites: Mesoproterozoic of northern China, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (submitted).

Tosti F., Mastandrea A., Guido A., Demasi F., Russo F., Riding R. 2014. Biogeochemical and redox record of mid-late Triassic reef evolution in the Italian Dolomites, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 399: 52-66.

Guido A., Mastandrea A., Rosso A., Sanfilippo R., Tosti F., Riding R., Russo F. 2014. Commensal symbiosis between agglutinated polychaetes and sulfatereducing bacteria. Geobiology 12 (3): 265-275.

Blanco A., Orofino V., Mancarella F., Fonti S., Mastandrea A., Guido A., Tosti F., Russo F. 2014. Microbialites vs detrital micrites: Degree of biogenicity, parameter suitable for Mars analogues. Planetary and Space Science 97: 43-42.

Guido A., Mastandrea A., Demasi F., Tosti F. & Russo F. 2012. Organic matter remains in the laminated microfabrics of the Kess-Kess mounds (Hamar Laghadad, Lower Devonian, Morocco). Sedimentary Geology, 263-26: 194-201.

Guido A., Vescogni A., Mastandrea A., Demasi F., Tosti F., Naccarato A., Tagarelli A. & Russo F. 2012. Characterization of the micrites in the Late Miocene vermetid carbonate bioconstructions, Salento Peninsula, Italy: record of a microbial/metazoan association. - Sedimentary Geology, 263-264: 133-143.

Guido A., Mastandrea A., Tosti F. & Russo F. 2011. Importance of Rare Earth Element patterns in discrimination between biotic and abiotic mineralization. Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, 131: 453-462.

Guido A., Papazzoni C., Mastandrea A., Morsilli M., La Russa M.F., Tosti F. & Russo F. 2011. Automicrite in a nummulite bank from the Monte Saraceno (Southern Italy): evidence for synsedimentary cementation. Sedimentology, 58: 878-889.

Tosti F., Guido A., Demasi F., Mastandrea A., Naccarato A., Tagarelli A. & Russo F. 2011. Microbialites as primary builders of the Ladinian-Carnian platforms in the Dolomites: biogeochemical characterization. Geo.Alp: 156-162.

Mastandrea A., Barca D., Guido A., Tosti F. & Russo F. 2010. Rare earth element signatures in the Messinian pre-evaporitic Calcare di Base formation (Northern Calabria, Italy): evidence of normal seawater deposition. Carbonates and Evaporites, 25:  133-143.


Conference Abstracts


Tosti F., Riding R. Are dendrolite and thrombolite macrofabrics always primary? Examples from the Cambrian of Shandong, China. 19th International Sedimentological Congress. 18-22 August 2014. Genève, Switzerland.

Guido A., Mastandrea A., Rosso A., Sanfilippo R., Tosti F., Riding R., Russo F. Clotted peloidal micrite associated with agglutinated tube worms: a new datum in microbialite research. 19th International Sedimentological Congress. 18-22 August 2014. Genève, Switzerland.

Tosti F., Mastandrea A., Guido G., Demasi F., Russo F., Riding R. Redox Biogeochemistry of Mid-Triassic Reefs. Geological Society of America 2013 Meeting. 27–30 October 2013. Denver (USA).

Guido A., Mastandrea A., Tosti F., Russo F., Riding R. Polychaete worm tubes agglutinate microbial peloids in present-day marine biostalactites. Geological Society of America 2013 Meeting. 27–30 October 2013. Denver (USA).

Tosti F., Mastandrea A., Guido G., Demasi F., Russo F., Riding R. Microbial carbonate reef components in the mid-Triassic Italian Dolomites: a biogeochemical approach. 7th European Symposium on Fossil Algae. 9-11 September 2013, Schladming (Austria).

Tosti F., Guido A., Mastandrea A., Demasi F., Russo F. Rare Earth Elements signature in Triassic samples from Punta Grohmann and Alpe di Specie (Dolomites, Italy): evidence of cyanobacterial vs sulfate reducing bacteria metabolic activities. 86° Congresso Nazionale della Società Geologica Italiana, 18-20 September 2012, Arcavacata di Rende (Italy).

Guido A., Mastandrea A., Demasi F., Tosti F., Russo F. Preliminary fatty acid data of microbialites from Kess-Kess Mounds (Hamar Laghdad, Lower Devonian, Morocco). 86° Congresso Nazionale della Società Geologica Italiana, 18-20 September 2012, Arcavacata di Rende (Italy).

Guido A., Mastandrea A., Demasi F., Tosti F., Tagarelli A., Naccarato A. & Russo F. 2012. Biogeochemical signals of unfossilizable organisms in terrestrial problematic carbonates: relevance to carbonatogenesis and astrobiology. Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, 20: 69-73.

Guido A., Mastandrea A., Tosti F., Demasi F., Blanco A., D'Elia M., Orofino V., Fonti S. & Russo F. 2012. Characterization of fossil organic matter with Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy: an attempt to record extraterrestrial life. Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, 20: 64-68.

D'Elia M., Blanco A., Orofino V., Fonti S., Mastandrea A., Guido A.  Tosti F., Russo F. A method for detecting possible Martian biocarbonates: application to terrestrial microbialites. 3rd Conference on Terrestrial Mars Analogues, 2012, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech (Morocco).

Demasi F., Guido A., Mastandrea A., Tosti F., Russo F. Biogeochemical signature of prokaryotic organisms in the Kess-Kess mounds (Anti Atlas, Morocco): implications for microbial carbonatogenesis. Workshop Geobiology in Space Exploration, 7-14 February 2011, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech (Morocco).

Guido A., Mastandrea A., Demasi F., Tosti F., Russo F.  Organic matter remains in the laminated microbialite from the Kess-Kess Mounds (Hamar Laghdad, Morocco): biogeochemical signals of unfossilizable organisms. X Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie, 17 – 21 January 2011, Bormio (Italy).

Tosti F., Guido A., Mastandrea A., Russo F., Blanco A., Orofino V., Fonti S., D'Elia M. Characterization of fossil organic matter with Fourier - Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy: An attempt to record extraterrestrial life. X Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie, 17 – 21 January 2011, Bormio (Italy).

Tosti F., Guido A., Demasi F., Mastandrea A. & Russo F. 2011. Biogeochemical characterization of automicrites building the Cipit Boulders of the Ladinian-Carnian platforms in the Dolomites (northeastern Italy). Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana, 17: 179-183.

Demasi F., Guido A., Mastandrea A., Tosti F. & Russo F. 2011. Biogeochemical characterization of the laminated microbialites in the Lower Devonian Kess-Kess mounds (Hamar Laghdad, Morocco). Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana, 17: 83-87.

Tosti F., Guido A., Demasi F., Mastandrea A., Naccarato A., Tagarelli A., Russo F. Microbialites as primary builders of the Ladinian – Carnian platforms in the Dolomites: biogeochemical characterization. Workshop on Cassian Beds X (Upper Triassic), Museo di Storia Naturale di Bolzano, 27-29 Luglio, 2011, pp. 23-24.

Tosti F., Guido A., Demasi F., Mastandrea A., Russo F. Biogeochemical characterization of automicrites building the Cipit Boulders of the Ladinian – Carnian platforms in the Dolomites (northeastern Italy). GEOSED 2011, 27-28 September, Seconda Università di Napoli - Caserta, 2011

Demasi F., Guido A., Mastandrea A., Tosti F., Russo F. Biogeochemical characterization of the laminated microbialites in the Lower Devonian Kess-Kess mounds (Hamar Laghdad, Morocco). GEOSED 2011, 27-28 September, Seconda Università di Napoli, Caserta (Italy), 2011

Guido A., Vescogni A., Demasi F., Mastandrea A., Naccarato A., Tagarelli A., Tosti F., Russo F. Microbial organic matter in the micrite of the vermetid association from the Upper Miocene (Salento Peninsula, Italy): evidence of synsedimentary cementation. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, 02 – 07 May 2010, Vol. 12

Guido A., Vescogni A., Demasi F., Mastandrea A., Naccarato A., Tagarelli A., Tosti F., Russo F. Evidence of synsedimentary cementation in vermetid association from the Upper Miocene (Salento Peninsula, Italy): microfacies and organic matter analyses. Giornate di Paleontologia X Edizione, Università della Calabria - Rende (CS), 2010, pp. 30-31.

Guido A., Tosti F., Mastandrea A., Barca D., Russo F. Rare Earth Elements distribution in the Messinian carbonates: geochemical proxy of microbial signature.  X Edizione Giornate di Paleontologia, Università della Calabria - Rende (CS), 2010, pp. 69-69.

Papazzoni C., Guido A., Mastandrea A., Morsilli M., Naccarato A., Tagarelli A., Tosti F., Russo F. The role of microbial organic matter in nummulite banks”: an example from the Monte Saraceno (Southern Italy).  Giornate di Paleontologia X Edizione, Università della Calabria, 2010, pp. 42-43.

Guido A., Marra A. C., Mastandrea A., Tosti F., Russo F. Diagenetic data on Sirenian ribs from the paleontological site of Cessaniti (Southern Calabria, Italy).  X Edizione Giornate di Paleontologia, Università della Calabria - Rende (CS),2010, pp. 66-66.

Tosti F., Guido A., Mastandrea A., Russo F., Riding R. Microfacies and organic matter characterization of selected Cipit Boulders (Triassic, Dolomites): preliminary data.  X Edizione Giornate di Paleontologia, Università della Calabria - Rende (CS), 2010, pp. 53-53.

Mastandrea A., Guido A., Demasi F., Tosti F., Russo F. Microbial induced carbonate mineralization: a multidisciplinary study with implications for exobiological researches.  2° Congresso Società Italiana di Astrobiologia, Bologna (Italy), 28 - 30 May 2009.

Demasi F., Guido A., Mastandrea A., La Russa M. F., Tosti F., Russo F. The characterization of the organic matter in carbonate sediments by the Attenuated Total Reflectance/Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR/FT-IR).  Geoitalia 2009, VII Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, Rimini (Italy), 9 -11 September 2009, Vol. 3.

Tosti F., Guido A., Mastandrea A., Russo F. Rare Earth Elements systematic in the Calcare di Base: a further evidence of microbial induced precipitation in normal marine condition.  13th RCMNS. Congress - Earth System Evolution and the Mediterranean Area from 23 Ma to the Present, Napoli (Italy), 2 - 6 September 2009.

Guido A., Papazzoni C., Mastandrea A., Morsilli M., Naccarato A., Tagarelli A., Tosti F., Russo F. Sinsedimentary cementation in a "nummulite bank" from the Monte Saraceno (Southern Italy): detritic micrite vs organomicrite.  27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Alghero (Italy), 20 - 23 September 2009, pp. 541.

Tosti F., Guido A., Mastandrea A., Russo F. Rare Earth Element patterns of the Calcare di Base as a record of normal marine carbonate precipitation.  Geoitalia 2009, VII Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra. Rimini (Italy), 9 - 11 September 2009, Vol. 3.

Guido A., Mastandrea A., Demasi F., Tosti F., Russo F. Microbial induced carbonate mineralization: a new approach for organic matter characterization.  27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Alghero (Italy), 20 - 23 September 2009.

Papazzoni C., Guido A., Mastandrea A., Morsilli M., Naccarato A., Tagarelli A., Tosti F., Russo F. Organic matter remains in a "nummulite bank" from the Monte Saraceno (Southern Italy).  Geoitalia 2009, VII Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, Rimini (Italy), 9 - 11 September, 2009, Vol. 3, pp. 285-286.

Mastandrea A., Guido A., Tosti F., Russo F. A Multiproxy approach to understanding the depositional environment and mineralization processes of the Messinian Calcare di Base Formation (Northern Calabria, Italy).  International Kalkowsky-Symposium-Geobiology of Stromatolites. Göttingen (Germany), 4-11 October, 2008, pp. 93-95.



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